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Fibrous and Paper ADDITIVE

High-tensile copolymer dry strength agent designed explicitly for the papermaking process. This innovation aims to tackle the following key points:
  • Cost Efficiency through Fiber Reduction:                Cellulose fibers constitute a substantial portion of the costs involved in paper manufacturing. One effective approach to cost reduction is by diminishing the reliance on fibers while maintaining the desired paper quality. Strengthening fibers through crosslinking presents a pathway to achieving this balance

  • Enhanced Fiber Strength through Crosslinking:    The technique of crosslinking involves forming connections between polymer chains within the fibers. This process improves the overall strength and durability of the fibers, allowing them to withstand the rigors of paper production and subsequent usage more effectively.

​Following benefits:

  • Increased paper strength

  • Allows for less costly lightweighting

  • Contributes to less demand for expensive imported fibres

  • Reduces steam/energy consumption

  • Allows increased paper machine speed

  • Improves machine runnability

  • Significant improvements to sustainable packaging 

Cellulose fibers represent a significant expense for paper manufacturers. One strategy to reduce the volume of fibers required in paper and paperboard production involves enhancing the strength attributes of the fibers. Enhanced fiber strength can be realized through a technique known as crosslinking technology.
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For comprehensive technical details and guidance on the integration of BondBrous@ into specific production processes, consulting B&B official documentation.
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